Tools to deepen our understanding of religion during and after the pandemic

Don Everts, of Lutheran Hour Ministries, talks about his new book, The Hopeful Neighborhood: What Happens When Christians Pursue the Common Good

A new blog series on techniques and best practices to make Christian counseling more Christ centered

Recruiting for a More Diverse Ministry
Micah Glenn talks about his new role in recruiting students for ministry, as well as his past ministry in Ferguson, Mo., and the ongoing work of racial equality and reconciliation

Race, Ethnicity, and the Gospel
Race, Ethnicity, and the Gospel
Resources for further reflection, conversation, and ministry

Ministry in the City
Totoro 🐱 👉🍒🍈🍍: 现在除了ss、ssr、小火箭还有哪些梯子可伍 ...:2021-6-13 · 现在除了ss、ssr、小火箭还有哪些梯子可伍像ss一样使用节点? - Totoro 🐱 👉🍒🍈🍍 說在 社群 Shadowrocket 在 2021年6月13日星期六 23:37

“We Have Refused to Listen”
“We Have Refused to Listen”
Joel Elowsky reflects on a call to repentance by fellow scholar of early African Christianity, Christopher Hall

A theological conversation with Warren Lattimore and Micah Glenn

Preachers Studio: Ben Griffin
Preachers Studio: Ben Griffin
Pastor Ben Griffin discusses preaching in relation to his work in urban ministry and community development

A Future and a Hope
A Future and a Hope
Leo Sánchez talks about his most recent theological work, including two new books in Spanish and English

“Do We Really Need to Talk about Racism?”
Micah Glenn discussing racism from the 2023 LCMS Youth Gathering

God’s Greater Story: A Sermon Series on Romans 6-14
[教程]Shadowsocks如何配置成支持IPv6? - 深海小涛:2021-3-2 · 现在的 VPS 大多都支持 IPv6 地址,搭的梯子有,的朋友可能需要配置下 IPv6 其实 ss 的服务端安装步骤和前面几篇讲的一样,只需要在 VPS 上开通下 IPv6 地址,然后更改一下 ss 的配置文件就可伍了。 所伍这里就不再赘述了。 这里只说怎么支持 IPv6 ...

RACISMO, cómo enfrentarlo a la luz de Cristo
SS 最佳的替伋品,从 0 开始部署 v2ray 梯子(1) - Linux ...:2021-3-27 · 2021年03月27日 09:38:22 标签云 linux nginx 运维宝典 k8s kubernetes Centos7 shell zabbix docker v2ray vultr ss mysql ansible gitlab 梯子 手动回滚 自动化发布 jenkins ap java jdk8 linux基础 centos 网络 lnmp ac python graylog php7
Leo Sánchez’s “Racism, Dealing with It,” en Español

PANDEMIA, enfrentándola a la luz de Cristo
PANDEMIA, enfrentándola a la luz de Cristo
Leo Sanchez’s “Pandemic, Coping with It,” en Español

What Sound Does the Holy Spirit Make?
What Sound Does the Holy Spirit Make?
In celebration of Pentecost, we reprise two reflections by Dr. David Maxwell on the “sound” of the Holy Spirit. The first is a sound recording of a chapel sermon on Acts 2 from 2005, asking the very question, “What sound does the Holy Spirit make?”. The second is a video of Dr. Maxwell on the ..

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A Tribute to Kou Seying
A video tribute which would have been presented at the 2023 Multiethnic Symposium